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The fermentation

The fermentation

Have you ever wondered how Sober Carpenter beers were made? How it goes down behind the brewery’s wall ? We are offering you a behind the scenes access to the production of our non-alcoholic beer. You will have the opportunity to visit our brewery, learn about the fermentation process of our beer and meet the master brewers behind your favorite beer.
In this week’s episode, lets dive into the fermentation process.
To make beer, there are several steps that are involved in the fermentation process. The primary ingredients of beer making include malted grains, hops, yeast, and water.

Let's brake down all the steps to create Sober Carpenter's beer:

Mashing: This is the process of mixing hot water and malted grains together to create a solution called wort. This is done to extract the sugars from the grains, which will then become food for the yeast during fermentation.
Boiling: Once the wort has been created, it is boiled with hops to extract bitterness and flavour. This process also helps in sterilizing the wort and stopping the enzyme activity.
Cooling: The boiled wort is then cooled down to the optimum temperature for yeast growth in fermentation.
Fermentation: Fermentation is the process of converting the sugar in the wort into alcohol and carbon dioxide by adding yeast. This process can take anywhere from several days to several weeks, depending on the type of beer being made. At Sober Carpenter, we use the stop-fermentation method to prevent the natural sugars in the beer from fermenting and producing alcohol.
Conditioning: After fermentation is complete, the beer is conditioned in a cooler environment with yeast and any additional ingredients, like fruit or spices that are required for taste and aroma depending on the type of beer being brewed.

Pasteurisation: Once our beer is canned there’s still a very important step: Pasteurisation. The filled cans are passed through a chamber where hot water is sprayed over them for a fixed time before cooling. By pasteurizing our beer, we can better preserve the flavours, plus it guarantees the alcohol present won’t ferment once on the shelf. (Pas sure si je mets cette partie-là tout de suite ou si je la met dans la capsule 5.Filling)

We use kettles boil the wort and add hops. These kettles can be heated directly with a flame or by electric heating elements. The kettles may be made of stainless steel, copper, or other materials.

This concludes our second video. In the following weeks, we will be showcasing the next steps in the production of our non-alcoholic beers. Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to discover our new videos and follow us on Instagram for more exclusive content! See you next week 👋

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